TRUTH: E. Jean Carroll Has Accused Multiple High-Profile Men of Assault — Including a Former CBS CEO

NOTE: With the ongoing 2024 election season heating up, it’s important to take a step back and critically evaluate the narratives being pushed by the media. As accusations against President Donald Trump resurface, it’s crucial to remember the broader context and history of such claims. This article dives into the background of E. Jean Carroll and her history of accusations. Read the facts and draw your own conclusions.

The mainstream media is pushing the narrative that President Trump assaulted E. Jean Carroll and has been ordered to pay her $83.3 million in damages. This figure alone has raised eyebrows, especially with the peculiar presence of the “33” — a number that often sparks conspiracy theories due to its connections with the Freemasons.

But is the story really as straightforward as it seems? As always, We report the facts and let you decide.

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The Pattern of Accusations

Before diving into the Trump accusation, it’s worth noting that E. Jean Carroll has a history of accusing multiple high-profile men of sexual misconduct. For instance, she has alleged that Les Moonves, the former CBS CEO, assaulted her in an elevator.

Let’s unpack that claim. Elevators are confined spaces, typically with security cameras and the potential for others to enter at any moment. So, is it plausible that the head of a major television network would suddenly decide to grope someone in such a public and risky setting?

This scenario is not only far-fetched but also raises serious doubts about the credibility of the claim. After all, someone in Moonves’s position would have little incentive to act impulsively in such a manner.

Here’s what CBS reports:

Carroll also claimed she was assaulted by Moonves, who was ousted from CBS September 2018 after multiple claims of sexual assault and sexual harassment that spanned decades. In the excerpt, Carroll described an incident in the elevator of a Beverly Hills hotel in the mid-1990s following an interview for a magazine article. She described extensive groping, including “goosing and scooping and pricking and prodding and jabbing.” In a statement to New York magazine, Moonves said he “emphatically denies” the incident occurred.

A History of Implausible Claims

Carroll’s accusations don’t stop with Trump and Moonves. In her book, she also accuses her babysitter’s boyfriend, a dentist, a camp counselor, an unnamed college date, and an unnamed boss of sexual misconduct. That’s a lot of accusations for one person to have endured, especially given the public settings she describes.

Consider the Trump allegation. Carroll claims that Donald Trump, a man of considerable wealth and power, assaulted her in a department store dressing room. Dressing rooms are small, often have flimsy doors, and are frequented by shoppers and store staff. The idea that Trump would choose such a public place to commit such an act seems not only improbable but also illogical. Would a man who could have virtually any woman he wanted really choose to assault a stranger in such a risky environment?

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Questioning the Motive

What’s more, Carroll has publicly stated in an interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN that she believes “rape is sexy.” This bizarre and unsettling comment shocked even Cooper, who quickly tried to steer the conversation away. Carroll’s disturbing statement raises serious questions about her mental state and the motivations behind her accusations.

A Pattern or a Fabrication?

When you look at the broader picture, a troubling pattern emerges. Carroll has accused numerous men, many of whom are high-profile figures, of assaulting her in public places where the risk of being caught is high. This raises the question: is she the unluckiest woman in the world, or is she fabricating these stories?

Given her history of making sensational claims, it’s worth considering the latter possibility. The accusations seem more like a string of improbable scenarios than a series of genuine assaults.

Conclusion: Fact or Fiction?

In the end, you have to ask yourself: is E. Jean Carroll a victim of an extraordinary string of sexual assaults by powerful men, or is she someone who has a history of making implausible claims? The facts presented here suggest the latter.

As the 2024 election approaches and the media continues to push narratives that paint President Trump in a negative light, it’s crucial to stay informed and skeptical. Before jumping to conclusions, consider the source, the pattern of behavior, and the broader context.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether E. Jean Carroll’s accusations are credible or just another chapter in the long history of false claims that often emerge in the heat of political battles.

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